The Reading Brain (Downloadable PDF)
Watch this video to learn about the reading brain and how to use this tool.
Teach students the process of reading in the brain and foster a growth mindset.
This poster is a valuable resource for educators and students. Demystify the learning process and help students understand how each component of their literacy instruction is actually building their reading brain.
Watch this video to learn about the reading brain and how to use this tool.
Teach students the process of reading in the brain and foster a growth mindset.
This poster is a valuable resource for educators and students. Demystify the learning process and help students understand how each component of their literacy instruction is actually building their reading brain.
Watch this video to learn about the reading brain and how to use this tool.
Teach students the process of reading in the brain and foster a growth mindset.
This poster is a valuable resource for educators and students. Demystify the learning process and help students understand how each component of their literacy instruction is actually building their reading brain.
Key Features:
11” x 8.5” Downloadable PDF
Comprehensive Explanation: The poster provides a clear visual explanation of how the brain learns to read
Versatile Use: This poster can be displayed in any classroom and learning environment, K-12, to support students' understanding of lesson components.
Foster a Growth Mindset: Understanding how the brain learns to read builds students’ emotional well-being.
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Products purchased for “individual educator” use may be used by the purchaser with their own children within a single family, in private one-on-one tutoring students, and by a single educator with his/her student she/he serves. Products purchased for “individual educator” use may not be shared with another educator or tutor outside of a single family or a private one-on-one tutor’s students.
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